Choose a Toxin Test to get started

Heavy Metals Test

Tests for exposure to harmful heavy metals and elements such as arsenic, lead, and mercury

Mycotoxins Test

Measures levels of common mycotoxins produced by mold that people are exposed to from both dietary and environmental source

Total Tox Burden Test

Offers complete insight into levels of heavy metals, mold, and environmental toxins in the body

Test for Toxins

Numerous poisons from the environment and everyday home items are present in human health. Toxins found in the environment can be either naturally occurring or man-made, and they can induce acute or chronic toxic overload when they are consumed, inhaled, or absorbed. For instance, insecticides, heavy metals, petroleum byproducts, and other substances. Exposure to high levels of toxins can have deleterious consequences on several bodily systems.

The Toxic Exposures test offered by Getchecked Clinic can identify a variety of toxins and identify the underlying cause of diseases and chronic inflammatory symptoms.

Toxic Exposures and Longevity

One’s capacity to establish strong defenses against toxins declines with age, increasing vulnerability to toxic burden. Prolonged exposure to mycotoxins and environmental pollutants compromises genomic stability and increases the risk of DNA damage. Proteomic stability may be impacted by heavy metals because they can cause denaturation of proteins and interfere with their ability to fold. Toxin exposure can therefore have an impact on molecular function, which could be harmful to biological aging.

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