Oxidative Stress Profile
Oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body, leading to damage to organs and tissues, potentially resulting in various diseases.
Getchecked Clinic’s Oxidative stress is a comprehensive and advanced test that measures 16 oxidative damage markers to your DNA, RNA, protein, Lipids and 32 genetic variants to personalize your genetic disposition to Antioxidant enzymes.
Sample Type
What's included
- Free Consultation with Wellness Doctor
- comprehensive personalized report
- Tested in world’s best Laboratories
- Fast reporting time
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Getchecked Clinic
Oxidative stress is an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and the body’s antioxidant defenses, which can’t effectively neutralize these reactive compounds. Excessive oxidation can actively harm critical cellular components such as lipids, DNA, RNA, and proteins, which are the building blocks of the human body.
Improving Your Oxidative Damage
Score is Key to Longevity
About Oxidative Stress Profile
- COX-2
- CYB5R3
- CYP1A1
- GPX1
- GPX2
- GPX4
- GPX1
- SOD1
- SOD2
- SOD3
Lipid Peroxidation
- Malondialdehyde
- Glutathione 4-hydroxynonenal (GS-HNE)
- 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α (8-iso-PGF2α)
- 11-β-Prostaglandin F2α
- 15(R)-Prostaglandin F2α
DNA Damage
- 8-Hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG)
- 8-Hydroxyguanine
- 8-Hydroxyguanosine
Protein Oxidation
- Dityrosine
- Bromotyrosine
- Chlorotyrosine
Nitrative Stress Biomarkers
- 8-Nitroguanosine
- 8-Nitroguanine
- Nitrotyrosine
Advanced glycation products
- Nε-(caroboxymethyl)lysine (CML)
- Nε -carboxyethyllysine (CEL)
1. Free doctor's consultation before and after test, free consultation with dietician if required. Our skilled nurses will gently guide you thorough the blood testing process.
2. Before testing
- Your provider may ask you to discontinue medications or dietary supplements. Speak with your provider to learn more.
3. Send the test to our labs for analysis and work with your care provider to understand the results.
- The Oxidative Stress Profile measures 32 common SNPs and 16 markers of oxidative damage to assess your genetic ability to manage oxidative stress, as well as your current stress status.
- This state of stress can create a detrimental cycle where one condition exacerbates another, leading to further health complications.
- With this comprehensive profile, you can better understand your ability to manage oxidative stress and specific antioxidant needs and create personalized wellness plans tailored to your genetics.
- Oxidative stress poses a threat to longevity as it is implicated in the development of various diseases.
- By understanding your oxidative stress, your provider can tailor treatment strategies to address potential weaknesses in the oxidative stress system, reduce buildup of ROS, and promote better health and longevity.
Getchecked Clinic
16 markers measuring oxidative damage across DNA, RNA, lipids, and proteins
Assesses 32 genetic variants in the antioxidant reduction pathway
Oxidative Damage Score reveals aging rate based on DNA, lipid, and protein damage compared to chronological age
Validated and accredited. Science-backed testing and analysis based on rigorous, ongoing research by clinical experts.
Why Test Total Tox Along with Oxidative Stress Profile
Why it Matters
Key Insights
What’s Measured
Oxidative Stress
Total Tox Burden
- 20 heavy metals
- 29 mycotoxins
- 39 environmental toxins