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Gut Health & Digestive System
Gut Microbiome
Test for Gut Health
Your body’s ability to properly digest food, metabolize nutrients, produce energy, eliminate toxins and hazardous substances from your body, maintain the structural integrity of your gut mucosal barrier, maintain healthy skin, and ward off infections are all greatly influenced by your gut microbiome.
The Gut Zoomer Test from Getchecked Clinic evaluates a variety of gut microorganisms, gut metabolites, and pertinent inflammatory and digestive markers to provide information on the health of your gut.
Gut microbiome and Longevity
The immune system, metabolism, neurology, and GI processes are all influenced by the gut microbiota. A shift in the gut microbiome can alter the host’s susceptibility to disease because of its significant effects on a number of physiological functions. There seems to be a reciprocal relationship between aging and gut microbiome changes; in addition, aging itself can be caused by manipulation. Accelerated aging can be caused by local and systemic inflammation resulting from a change or dysbiosis in the gut microbiome.